Best shoe polish Australia: The $6 item from Coles for transforming dirty white shoes

Best shoe polish Australia: The $6 item from Coles for transforming dirty white shoes
  • PublishedJanuary 16, 2024

‘The product made my sneakers look new. I’m incredibly happy with the results.’

A celebrity fashion stylist has spilled on the $6 item from Coles he swears by for transforming his dirty white sneakers — making them look new again.

Donny Galella, from Sydney, explained how he restored whiteness to his Valentino Garavani shoes after using the Oakwood Instant Shoe Polish.

“If you want your sneakers to look a little bit whiter and brighter, I have found a $6 product that absolutely transformed my sneakers,” he said.

“This $6 shoe polish made my white sneakers look much better. I’m incredibly happy with the results.”

The first step is to clean your shoes.

After spraying the shoes with stain remover, he used a cloth to wipe away the dirt.

“I use this stain remover just to give the shoes a really good clean,” he said.

Next, he applied the first coat of the shoe polish.

Donny transformed the left shoe to show viewers how much whiter and brighter they were compared to the right.

“I applied a second coat and you can see the difference between the shoes,” he said.

After applying the second coat, the shoes took between 20 to 30 minutes to completely dry.

“I used a hairdryer and it has come up beautifully,” he said.

“The product made my sneakers look new. I’m very happy. When you see the side-by-side, chef’s kiss.”


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